Scholarship Timeline
Written In Red Scholarship – Timeline 2022-2023
Tues., Dec. 20, 2022 Current Written In Red Scholars - Deadline to transfer schools for Spring 2023 semester.
Tues., Dec. 20, 2022 Current Written In Red Scholars - Fall 2022 GPA's, updated graduation plans, fall statement of accounts, and new spring schedules due.
Mon., Jan. 6, 2023 Spring 2023 Scholarship Award Checks mailed to Universities
Mon., Jan. 9, 2023 Scholarship information and timeline sent to Cloudcroft, Hagerman, Lake Arthur High School.
Mon., Feb. 6, 2023 Scholarship Application is open at the following link:
Fri., Feb. 24, 2023. Scholarship application deadline
Fri., March 3, 2023 Scholarship applications sent to scholarship committee members.
Fri., April 7, 2023 Scholarship selections from scholarship committee members due back to Written In Red Foundation.
Mon., April 10, 2023 Meeting/Conference call with all scholarship committee members for final scholarship selections. (If Needed)
Wed., April 12, 2023 Scholarship acceptance letters sent to applicants receiving a scholarship. List of scholarship recipients sent to Cloudcroft, Hagerman and Lake Arthur High School.
Wed., April 12, 2023 Scholarship (decline) letters sent to applicants not receiving a scholarship.
April/May 2023 Award Ceremony/Dinner - TBD - Scholarship information packets given to "new" Written In Red Scholars at
Cloudcroft, Hagerman, and Lake Arthur High School.
Fri., May 26, 2023 Current Written In Red Scholars - Spring 2023 GPA's, updated graduation plans, spring statement of accounts, and new fall 2023 class schedules due.
Mon., June 12, 2023 Scholarship Information Packets Due to the Written In Red Foundation:
1. Contract and Release Waiver
2. Final Transcript from your High School
3. Acceptance letter from the educational institution to which the scholarship will be paid
4. Financial aid award letter/financial aid package offered to you by your first-choice college
5. List of all scholarships received, including amount of scholarship and duration of scholarship
Mon., June 19, 2023 Orientation for New Scholarship Recipients - Artesia, NM (Attendance Required)
Fri., July 7, 2023 Current Written In Red Scholars - Deadline to transfer schools for the Fall 2023 semester.
Fri., August 4, 2023 Fall 2023 Award Checks Mailed to universities.